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Abajo a la derecha:

Buscando respuestas sobre cómo ayudar a nuestros hijxs

La información que necesitamos para ayudar a nuestros niños de educación especial

Únase a nosotrxs para una discusión dirigida por familias

Reach Out Oregon estará cerrado por el Día del Trabajo (06/09)

¡Presentamos nuestra nueva función de mensajes de texto!

Regreso a clases en COVID-19

Crianza durante COVID

Departamento de Educación de Oregon – Plan de Escuelas Preparadas
Únase a la conversación
Eventos y Capacitaciones

We Value All Communities:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
OFSN considers diversity comprehensively, including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ability and disability, age, economic disparity, geographic location, and other factors that shape perspective and experience.
We understand that achieving equity is a continuous process, and we work to maintain the highest standards of ethics, transparency and accountability.
Each employee at OFSN has a responsibility to act in a manner that supports and advances our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We expect all employees to adhere to this commitment and will not tolerate conduct that does not meet these standards.
- Support and encourage policy that advances social inclusion both within our organization and in the communities we serve.
- Foster open and constructive discussions amongst our staff, board, community partners and families that we serve.
- Embrace our differences to foster growth and innovation.
- Treat all individuals with regard, respect and courtesy.
- Engage diverse constituencies with curiosity and agility.
- Strive to model best practices related to inclusion and equity in our training, consultation and service delivery.
- Provide staff with training and learning opportunities to create awareness for issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Build and maintain meaningful relationships with community organizations dedicated to advancing issues surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion.